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Welcome to my blog! I am a born again worshiper! My life is dedicated to God, Family, Friends, Music Ministry and spreading words of encouragement!!
In all things...ALWAYS PUSH FORWARD!

Phil 3:14 "With my eyes fixed on the goal I will PUSH on to secure the prize of God's heavenward call in Christ Jesus -"

Oct 12, 2009

It could be worse!!

Facebook | Gigi Andrews Slade: It could be worse!!: "Life is not perfect. When things do happen, in our flesh we react. We are sad, distraught or confused. We ask why. We seek understanding. We ponder. We doubt. All in all, we are human. There are things we will never understand. HIS ways are not our ways.

I have to remind myself of this often. Whenever I get down, the Holy Spirit quickly nudges me. He says, 'It could be worse!' Look at so and so's situation. How do you think they are feeling right??' I then examine myself to see if I have veered off of HIS path. Did my FREE will get in HIS way!

My prayer: I declare Lord that I will keep my eyes on the mark! On the prize that awaits me. I know you want me to live an abundant happy life down here as I prepare for what is to come. We are purposed to worship! I do worship and adore you! I praise your Holy name! I thank you for what you are doing and for what you are yet to do! In Jesus' most precious and magnificent name! Amen

I challenge you today. If you are going through a storm..Praise Him! If you are coming out of storm...Praise Him! Even if you are in the eye of the storm and its calm and quiet... Praise HIM! He is worthy regardless of the situation. We just have to remember to keep our arms lifted and our hands open to HIM! He will reach down and pick you up just when you think you can't make it any further! HE's just that good! ~ Note to self!

Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

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