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Welcome to my blog! I am a born again worshiper! My life is dedicated to God, Family, Friends, Music Ministry and spreading words of encouragement!!
In all things...ALWAYS PUSH FORWARD!

Phil 3:14 "With my eyes fixed on the goal I will PUSH on to secure the prize of God's heavenward call in Christ Jesus -"

Jan 26, 2010


Flight! It’s a normal reaction to stress. It is a natural protection mechanism. God wired our bodies to react to fear by sending adrenaline through the body, thus giving us the rush to flee from a fearful situation. It is a natural reaction.

I have felt like running recently! Stressed and anxious, I wanted to run! Run away from the problems of the world. I wasn’t thinking about where I was going to run to, only that I wanted to. Running is a freeing, natural feeling. In the opening scene of the movie “Chariots of Fire” the men are running on the beach and the famous theme song is playing. I heard this famous song several times over the weekend. It was heard so much that my girls were humming it and one asked where the song came from. In Sunday school the lesson was from Isaiah 40:31 which states: “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall RUN, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” KJV Do you think HE was sending me a message?

There is only one place to run to when seeking peace that surpasses anything that our minds can grasp. That’s right... run to Jesus! In John 14:27 (NIV) Jesus is saying “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” He is standing with open arms, waiting to catch us when we get tired of running alone. He is ready when we finally have the wherewithal to fall into his arms. We may find ourselves exhausted when we get to HIM, but it is always worth it. HE will allow us to clear our minds, help us stand, gain our strength and push forward. He will help us get back in the race to the ultimate finish. I am reminded that the race isn’t always easy BUT with HIM, I can do all things. As long as we are running FOR Jesus and not running from him we can make it.

The next time you feel like running, put on your running shoes and go. Just don’t run alone. Run TO Him, with HIM and not FROM Him! Keep running until you hear Him say “Well done!! You have finished the race! Well done!!

Jan 22, 2010

Miracles: Big and Small

The Small:

He never ceases to amaze me! We are taught to go to God in prayer. Pray without ceasing. The prayers of the righteous availeth much. I went to God this morning specifically for a situation. I prayed in faith and went about my day. I’d actually forgotten about it until it began to unfold. I could see HIS glory shining and hear HIM saying “Don’t worry, I got this!!” Isn’t He just incredible! I am always humbled when He answers my prayers. I can’t believe that He is concerned about little ole me. It’s like a miracle! As I watched HIS handiwork today, He reminded me that He is control of everything. No matter how big or how small, He is in control.

James 5: 16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

The Big:

I watched the video of the rescue of the little brother (Kiki) and sister being pulled of the rubble in Haiti after 8 days…ALIVE!! That is not supposed to be humanly possible. That’s because it’s not! It’s GODLY possible! Another example of the enemy creating a horrific tragedy and God turning it around for good. How many people have you heard say, “I thought my problem was bad, but look at the people in Haiti?” The Haitians continue to praise God through and during their circumstances. They are examples of perseverance. As a result, people around the world have been showing compassion, loving harder and living better.

Yes, God is control of my little situation as well as the BIG situation in Haiti. He is a God of love. As my pastor says, there are 6 Billion people in the world and He hears our prayers at the same time. Yes some question why bad things happen, but as long as we are in THIS world, there will be tribulation. The fact of the matter is, with God on our side, we will make it through all trials, Big or Small—through it ALL!

Photo of Kiki by ©Matthew McDermott /Polaris /eyevine

Jan 13, 2010

The Road to ME and the GAS is FREE!

When I was a child, I always wanted to be in the front of the line or up front. I was considered an over achiever. A leader! Then one day I got on the wrong road.

Wrong Way

Have you ever been driving on the interstate at 70 + miles an hour and realize that you missed your exit. Your first inclination is to back up and try and make it but usually there are too many cars coming and you can’t stop and back up. Then you start looking for a break in the highway to cut through to the other side, but there are concrete barriers up, so there is no short cut. The next option is to keep driving until the next exit so you can turn around. Sometimes this can be miles and miles down the road and you end up wasting so much time trying to get back on track. That’s life. We miss our exit and get on the wrong road and its years before we are headed in the right direction. YEARS!

The Road

I used to be self employed. In order to shine and be in the front of the line, I had to literally work 12-14 hour days, with no time for my children and family and church. I didn’t realize this going in; I just thought that was what I wanted. I prayed for it and as the old folk say, “be careful what you ask for!” I wasn’t ready. I was in the front of the line for the first few years but I burned myself out. I was also immature. I let my need to take care of others versus myself get in my way. I didn’t have that cut throat mentality and some of those closest to me and in my employ took advantage of me. Ultimately, I gave up. I didn’t fight for what was rightfully mine. I didn’t have the support system I needed, I was tired and I let it go!

I let this bother me for years. I regretted not fighting for what was given to me but God said clearly, “It’s time to let it go! It was all for a reason.” That was not what HE would have me to be. It was just for a season. He allowed me to stay in it long enough for HIM to show me the things HE wanted me to see and learn. I became born again during those years, became a different person and therefore it was time to move on. I just couldn’t see it at the time.

"...For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future..." Jeremiah 29:11

The Road to ME.... (the God in Me)

Who God creates us to be doesn’t change, but sometimes circumstances cause us to forget who we are and what we are made of. We bury the ME! The enemy sees our future and tries to thwart God’s plan for us as well. He will do anything he can to block our path or send us on the wrong road. In other cases, we are own enemy. We let our free will get in our own way. Combine these situations and we end up on a very long road to nowhere.

Praise God that HE is in control. He knows the plans that HE has for us. When we are sensitive to HIS will and listen to HIS voice, HE will guide us back onto the correct road! HIS path. He will put people in our lives to give us the guidance that we need. HE will reveal what HE has in store for us and keep us on track. HE will create shortcuts and remove the barrier that were once there. The road to ME seemed long to me but I now realize that it was HIS plan.

HIS Road

Even on HIS road there are turns, curves, stoplights, toll booths and accidents. All for a reason. All to help us see that the road ahead is bright for HIS light is guiding us. Yes, get on HIS road. Find your way back to your "ME"; the ME that HE created you to be! Let your light shine, turn on your HIGH BEAMS, toot your own horn and the GAS is FREE!!

God Always Saves... (GAS)

Jan 3, 2010

Spiritually Connected!

We’ve all been there. In a relationship; be it with a friend, family member, lover, mate, spouse, co-worker or acquaintance....we have all been there. They all start with the meeting, the getting to know something about each other, then sharing of ideas, life experiences and it goes on from there. A relationship is formed. Some relationships are close while some are only superficial. Whatever the depth, they are still relationships. THEN something happens! We move, change jobs, we grow up, grow apart or simply wander away. We wonder why we aren’t as close anymore. We realize that one of us has stopped putting time and effort in the relationship. The communication has dwindled or ceased.

It’s the wandering relationships that bother me the most; the ones where it seems as if a friend has pulled away. God reminded me that it is during these times that we need to take the focus off of ourselves and focus on the relationship. Maybe that person is going through something. Pray!

The same thing applies to our relationship with God. If we are bothered by a friend wandering away from us, how does God, our Father, feel when we wander away from HIM? At one point, some of us have wandered away. We used to spend time with HIM and communicate by reading & studying HIS word and spending quiet time in prayer. We let distractions (the enemy) get in the way and we found ourselves far removed from HIM. This is a very uncomfortable feeling and we find ourselves running back to HIM!!

GOD News!

Have you noticed, that if there was a true meaningful relationship, no matter the time or years that have gone by, when you talk to an old friend it’s as if you never parted. ( I see you nodding) You pick back up where you left off. That’s because your spirits connected then and they are forever connected. Isn’t that good news! The same applies to your relationship with GOD! He never left! Although you may have wandered away, HE has always been right there with you, spiritually connected. He was waiting for you to commune with HIM. That’s good news! GOD news!

As we embark on this New Year, take GOD’s news with you! Build on your relationship with HIM and others and as always… PUSH FORWARD!

Joshua 1:5 (NIV)

….. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Jan 2, 2010

Positive or Negative! The choice is Yours!

Often times we start out with the best intentions. We speak the positive with assertiveness and as soon as the words have escaped our lips, we follow with a negative statement. How many times have you said, “I AM GOING TO MAKE IT! and then utter “SOMEHOW!!” or “ I CAN DO ALL THINGS!...”IF!!” OMG as the kids say! Some may argue that “somehow” or “if” are positive statements but I disagree. Once a positive statement is made, that’s it! Don’t allow the enemy to counter with a negative whisper into your spirit. As soon as you send that positive energy into the atmosphere, here he comes with a vengeance; ready to pounce on you with his negative spirit. He brings in the spirit of doubt, worry and confusion! Tell him to go back where he came from!! LOL

The next time you speak positive, leave it at that! Positive! Declare… “I am going to make it! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” Notice, I added “through Christ. That’s because we can’t do it in our own strength, but with Christ we CAN! Say it with me!! “Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” Christ…enough said! That settles it! That finishes it! JESUS CHRIST! The name above all names! Say his name and guess who will flee??? Yeah.. you already know!

Happy New Year!