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Welcome to my blog! I am a born again worshiper! My life is dedicated to God, Family, Friends, Music Ministry and spreading words of encouragement!!
In all things...ALWAYS PUSH FORWARD!

Phil 3:14 "With my eyes fixed on the goal I will PUSH on to secure the prize of God's heavenward call in Christ Jesus -"

Aug 19, 2009

Forgiveness! Can you forgive yourself?

Forgiveness is a strong word. There has always been debate about whether or not you can forgive and forget or is it permissible to forgive and not necessarily like the person that you forgave, but you have still forgiven them. Confused yet?

I am not going to debate that issue now. My question is…suppose the person that you need to forgive is yourself? Once you have forgiven yourself, are you able to like or love yourself?

We…no let me speak for myself… “I “have done some things that I am not proud of. I am not speaking of crimes or cheating or anything of that nature but things that I know did not make my FATHER happy. I have not always been saved-born again. Even in my growing period there were things that I said or did or even thought that I am not proud of.

Holding hatred in my heart kept me from growing in the will of God for many years. People can hurt us beyond measure if we let them. At a point in my life I allowed people to injure me with their words and their actions. It affected my self esteem which led me to believe I was less than I am. Not you, you may say. Not that confident woman that now walks boldly with her head held high! Yes, this woman. At my weakest, the enemy came in and decided that he would attempt to rule in my life. I grew up in the church and knew of God, but did not have a personal relationship with HIM. I didn’t even understand what that meant. So, he attacked me through people which led me to attack myself. What a struggle it is to war against yourself.

I was asked to lead a song called, “I Almost Let Go” by Kurt Carr. The lyrics say, “I almost let go. I was right at the edge of a breakthrough but couldn’t see it. The devil had me bound, depression weighed me down but GOD held me close, so I wouldn’t let go. God’s mercy kept me, so I wouldn’t let go!” As I ministered that song, I ministered to myself. I let go of the hatred that I so bitterly held in my heart for people that had wounded me. I was also able to let go of the disdain that I held for myself. I had been angry with myself for so long for even ALLOWING myself to be injured in such a way. I was finally set free! Set free by HIS love and HIS mercy! I got down on my knees and forgave myself.

I ask this question of you. Is there something that you need to let go of? Is there someone that you need to forgive? Is that someone yourself? If so, don’t go another day. Don’t block your blessings. Free your heart, your mind and your soul! FORGIVE!

1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Hebrews 8:12 - For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.

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