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Welcome to my blog! I am a born again worshiper! My life is dedicated to God, Family, Friends, Music Ministry and spreading words of encouragement!!
In all things...ALWAYS PUSH FORWARD!

Phil 3:14 "With my eyes fixed on the goal I will PUSH on to secure the prize of God's heavenward call in Christ Jesus -"

Apr 30, 2009

"Why? I Sometimes Ask Myself!"

Many years ago, my sister wrote a poem when my great grandmother passed. The name of the poem was “Why?” In it she said, “Why? I sometimes ask myself.” We probably have all asked that question. Why? Why me? Why? We are forever seeking answers. We are inquisitive creatures.

We especially want to know why when things don’t go as WE plan! That’s just it. It’s not OUR plan. It’s His plan. He is sovereign. He knew us before He created us. He knows the plan for our lives. The direction that He wants us to travel may not be the journey that we have planned. Sometimes, we have to travel down into the valley on that long arduous road which seems to lead to nowhere. That’s when we really ask WHY?? Surprisingly, the answer may not come when we want it.

Sometimes, we have to wait. WAIT!! “How long?” As long as it takes to make sure we are ready to continue the journey. As long as it takes to make sure we are strong enough to climb. As long as it takes to make sure our hearts and eyes are receptive to what He has for us.

But oh what joy when we get to the mountain! When we see the miracle! When we are on top of the mountain, looking down at the valley and proclaiming….. YES! I understand now!!

So, next time you are asking “Why?” Pray on it and say "Thy will be done". The answer will be revealed, by and by….after the “Why?” Always Push Forward!

O Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your words are trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant. 2 Samuel 28:7

1 comment:

  1. This is so full of anointing!!! Full of purpose and wisdom that only God could have given. Awesome!!!!! Continue on my baby, continue on!
