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Welcome to my blog! I am a born again worshiper! My life is dedicated to God, Family, Friends, Music Ministry and spreading words of encouragement!!
In all things...ALWAYS PUSH FORWARD!

Phil 3:14 "With my eyes fixed on the goal I will PUSH on to secure the prize of God's heavenward call in Christ Jesus -"

Oct 25, 2010

I Looked in the Mirror Today! (Put an end to Domestic Violence)

I looked in the mirror today! I saw a woman. A brown woman with brown eyes and keen features. A woman mixed with the heritage of her ancestors. A woman black, white and red.

I looked in the mirror today! I saw a woman. A woman who has weathered storms, trials and tribulations. At first I saw flaws and imperfections. I saw things I’d like to change. Things that I could make better. God said, “You are my child. I made you perfectly. You are beautiful. You are an amazing combination of my best. You are strong, you are amazing and you are mine!”

I looked in the mirror today! I then saw bold tough woman. A determined woman. A woman that loves hard and loves strong. A woman devoted to her God, her family, her children and herself.

I looked in the mirror today! I saw a woman inside out. A saved woman. A woman with a soul on fire for God. A woman with a spirit that sings. A woman with battle scars and bruises; symbols of her tenacity and drive to never give up despite the circumstances. A woman that is compassionate and caring. A woman that isn’t afraid to say what is on her heart as directed by God.

I looked in the mirror today! Have you? Do you see what man sees or what God sees? Look again. You are phenomenal. Look in the mirror and tell yourself. “ I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST! I AM INCREDIBLE! NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS, GOD LOVES ME NO MATTER WHAT! I AM A CONQUEROR; I AM VICTORIOUS…IN JESUS NAME! AMEN!”

Jeremiah 1:5 I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations

To all of the women and men who have been abused mentally, physically or verbally! I salute you! I pray for you! Remember, you are beautiful/fine/handsome and victorious! Keep Pushing Forward

Oct 20, 2010

It Ain't Over Until God Says It's Over

My girls wore pink today. They said the kids were wearing pink to bring awareness to Breast Cancer. They have been asking questions about cancer lately so we have been having good dialogue, but for them, at their fashion conscious age, to want to make sure they wore pink, stopped me in my tracks. In their own special way, these young people are taking the time to honor women and men who have been affected by this disease.

I can safely say that we have all been affected in some way or another for its roots are far reaching. My life was forever changed when a girlfriend of mine, in her 30’s passed away in 2002. She found out that the cancer was back after preparing to run in the Susan Komen Global Race for the Cure. She fought hard but it came back with a vengeance and attacked her liver. A week before her wedding, she knew that she didn’t have long, but she stood there on her wedding day, eyes yellowed with jaundice with the brightest most brilliant smile imaginable. Her faith was unwavering and her spirit strong. She passed away a few months later, praising God everyday for the life that He allowed her to live. The VICTORY IS WON!

Ms. Bobbie Currie is another strong woman of faith that touched my life. When she worked in my office, she used to read her bible everyday and pray. At that time, I didn’t know her story and didn’t understand her faith. I couldn’t understand why she was so diligent, strong and why she talked about the Lord and how much she loved Him. I didn’t know that she’d been cancer free for YEARS and was praising Him for her life. You see I wasn’t “born again” at the time and didn’t have a relationship with God. I attended church every now and then but I didn’t know how important it is to have a true relationship with HIM. Bobbie was a lady of grace, poise and love. The last time I saw her, she’d just come from a treatment. Although weak, she was still smiling and giving God the Glory! She too passed away with unwavering faith. The VICTORY IS WON!

I know some of you may say, “How can the VICTORY be won if they passed away?” Healing doesn’t always come in the way that we want it. WE would rather keep our loved ones here with us in this cruel world, even after they have served GOD’s purpose. We forget that we are only here temporarily and we are GOD’s children. We are to return HOME to be with Him. These ladies were shining examples of God’s love. His love radiated from them in their smiles, their demeanor and in the lives that they led. They returned to Him in His time to live out eternal life.

I pay homage to those of you who have won the victory on this side of the Jordan, not just over breast cancer but any type of cancer. I pay homage to you who have loved ones who have fought and are fighting. I pay homage to the friends, family and caregivers who provide love and support. I send a special “I love you to my mom who is five years healed! Hallelujah!”

Maurette Brown Clark sings a song entitled It Ain’t over until God Says It’s Over. The lyric that stands out in my mind is “It ain’t over until God says it’s done. It’ ain’t over until God says it’s over, keep fighting until your victory is won!”

Link to song.....

Keeping Fighting! Keep Praying! Keep Praising!

Oct 19, 2010

The Makings of a Masterpiece

Envision a canvas!

A BIG BLANK CANVAS without a spot or wrinkle! That is how we are born.

As we take that first breath, the visual painting begins. Only the beginnings of the picture are seen and all are excited and anxious to see what is yet to come.

As we go about our lives, God is constantly working on us and developing us into the work of art that HE knows we will be. We can’t see the end, for we are the canvas. We only know that we are being worked on because we can feel it. We can sense it.

Change is constant. It never ceases. We are evolving moment by moment. It is when we resist the work that God is doing or the direction that He would have us to go, that the picture changes. Keep in mind, before we took our first breath, God foresaw the work of art that He was going to make.

He makes no mistakes, so let Him do His will with you. Even though you may have made some errors in judgement  or have some regrets, it’s NEVER too late. He has the brush and is in control.

Just imagine the end when HE finally puts the brush down, steps back and smiles at YOU, the one that HE created for HIS purpose. The end result is going to be phenomenal. You are incredible! His chosen one! His masterpiece….well done! Well done!

 "God's work is evident in the things HE has made"

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Art By Sue Hoya Sellars

Oct 11, 2010

The Life You Save May Be Your Own

The saying goes, “If you keep kicking a dog, it will eventually bite back.” First of all you don’t EXPECT anyone to kick you but you really don’t expect it from someone that says that they love you. They kick you, hurt you and then hold out their hand and say, “I do love you. I wasn’t thinking. I was angry!” Well if that is your definition of love then I would rather pass.

How about the people that cheat and say, “I’m sorry for (you caught me) cheating honey. I don’t know what came over me BUT I love you. I love you so you are supposed to stay with me no matter what I do. Yes, my love hurts you but you are still supposed to stay with me because I love you.” What kind of love is that? Can we say “MENTAL ABUSE!” Think of the damage done to all involved. Some people think that cheating is okay because they saw their dads do it or their moms do it and they stayed together, so it’s okay if I do it! They say, “At least I’m not hitting her. I‘m not abusing her, I’m just cheating.” So the cheat sin is less than the physical abuse sin, so it’s okay??? I think not!

Abuse in any form or fashion is abuse. Be it verbal, mental or physical it all hurts. Ask the person being wounded and see what they say. From personal experience I can say that although the verbal and mental bruises are not visible, the internal scars are still there and take a long time to heal. That’s just like people with invisible disabilities. People say things like, “You don’t look disabled!” How crass. It doesn’t matter what it looks like on the outside, it’s the damage being done on the inside. No human being should have to live in an abusive situation. You are to remove yourself immediately.

Every situation is different. I am not here to say that a marriage or a relationship cannot be healed. I am not saying that there is no room for forgiveness. Every situation is different and none should be compared with another. There are many relationships that have been rectified through time, healing and counseling. In some instances it takes time apart and in some instances it doesn’t. I am here to say, if you are being abused seek help IMMEDIATELY. IF you fear for your safety, come up with an immediate plan and LEAVE! There are shelters that can help you. It CAN NOT get better without help. Nowhere in the BIBLE does Jesus condone abuse. People say stay and work on your marriage or relationship while you are being battered. RUN I say! Seek man made shelter and shelter in HIM ……the life, the soul; the mind you save may be your own.

Luke 4: 18-19

God's Spirit is on me;

he's chosen me to preach the Message of good news to

the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and

recovery of sight to the blind,

To set the burdened and battered free

Oct 6, 2010

Clinging to the Cross

I cherish the cross. When things get rough, when things get tough, I think of the cross. When I feel like my burdens are too heavy and I’d rather sit down than keep going, I think of the cross. When things are going well and I have no worries or complaints, I think of the cross.

The cross is a symbolic reminder of what our GOD endured for us. HE willingly allowed them (the world) to put HIM on that cross so that HE could bear our sins. HE carried that heavy cross to Calvary for you and me. So how can my burdens be heavier than his? How can my life be any more difficult than HIS? Even at my lowest point, it is nothing compared to what HE endured.

I have a cross tattooed on my foot. It took approximately 15 minutes (which felt like an hour) of excruciating pain to get it, but it was worth it. There are many arguments as to whether a tattoo is defaming your body, but it was a very personal decision. My tattoo is a constant reminder of my savior, Jesus. It is a symbol of the sacrifice and the victory! If HE could handle the pain and sins of the world for me, surely I could survive 15 minutes to have a constant reminder of HIM. I think of how even in the midst of all the good HE was doing, there were still those that chose to pick Him apart. They chose to try and tear HIM down, criticize HIM and persecute HIM. Surely He could have chosen not to bear the cross but HE did it! HE did it for you and me!

My Tattoo

The next time you are sad or weary, think of the cross. Think of HIS victory! Remember that HE rose with all power in HIS hands. Although the world thought that HE was defeated, HE was triumphant. No matter what you are going through, cling to the cross! Jesus will see you through!


On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,

the emblem of suffering and shame;

and I love that old cross where the dearest and best

for a world of lost sinners was slain.

So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,

till my trophies at last I lay down;

I will cling to the old rugged cross,

and exchange it someday for a crown.